Indigenous Flora of Mt Eliza
The state government Department of Sustainability & Environment (DSE) classifies native vegetation in Victoria into about 300 ecological vegetation classes (EVCs).
Mount Eliza currently has 11 ecological vegetation classes. Click here to find out more: Mt Eliza’s most common EVC along with the Coastal Headland Scrub EVC.
These are described in further detail here in order to promote accurate and site-specific re-vegetation and gardening. It should be noted that in re-vegetation, the planted species should have originally occurred on the site; otherwise the plantings constitute horticulture rather than re-vegetation. With eleven EVCs in Mount Eliza, it is clear that not every species occurs in every situation. In other words, planted species should be site-indigenous rather than simply locally indigenous.
Mt Eliza originally had 15 Ecological Vegetation Classes listed below:
9 Coastal Salt Marsh – Coast
879 Coastal Dune Grassland – Coast
311 Berm Grassy Shrubland – Coast
2 Coast Banksia Woodland – Coast
161 Coastal Headland Scrub – Coast
10 Estuarine Wetland – Coast creek mouth
Estuarine Reedbed – Coast creek mouth
821 Tall Marsh- Gullies
53 Swamp Scrub – Creek flats
937 Swampy Woodland- Creek flats, lower slopes
902 Gully Woodland – Gullies
175 Grassy Woodland – Widespread extensive
23 Herb-rich Woodland – Escarpment
164 Creekline Herb-rich Woodland – Drainage lines on plains
651 Pains Swampy Woodland – Swamps on plains
These EVC’s are found in varying degrees on
Mt Eliza’s Foreshore
Mt Eliza Regional Park
Moorooduc Quarry Flora and Fauna reserve
Earimil Creek Bushland Reserve/ Jessie White Reserve
All these areas are managed by the Mornington Peninsula Shire Council
Climate Change, the introduction of Cats and Dogs, feral Foxes and rabbits are all impacting on Mt Eliza’s diverse Flora and Fauna and in particular our EVC’s which MEAFEC where possible seeks to restore our indigenous species by removing introduced plants and weeds.